
This is Bobatron!

This library is brilliant. It rounds the edges of practically any HTML element just like Apple does.

To install Bobatron into your project, simply include the script by specifying the file path.

To target a specific element, add the class bobatron to it.

To run the script, execute bobatron.scanner().

Usually, bobatron.scanner() needs to be called immediately after the page loads, as well as every time the page size is updated.

Adjust corners

To adjust the rounding radius in Bobatron, you can use the Bt-CM attribute, which allows you to control the rounding radius.

Try it here!

Mask / BG Modes

By default, Bobatron uses the Mask Mode.

By adding Bt-Color property with required color, Bobatron automatically enables Background Mode for specified element.

Background Mode makes possible to use special filters like drop-shadow.